
Use markdown in forum posts and replies

Markdown is a simple syntax to add formatting to your text. You can find a complete markdown cheat sheet here

Here are a few basics, I am displaying the code first and then the result:

# Title
## Sub-title
### Sub-sub-title




* item 1
* item 2
* item 3


  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3

Some paragraph of text

Some other paragraph *with some text in italics*

Some other paragraph **with some text in bold**

Some paragraph of text

Some other paragraph with some text in italics

Some other paragraph with some text in bold

Note: bold characters do not look like bold for now due to a font problem ; I will make sure to fix that

A paragraph, then a code block

x = x+1

A paragraph, then a code block

x = x+1

I can also format inline code within my paragraph like this ```screen.drawText()```, how cute is that?

I can also format inline code within my paragraph like this screen.drawText(), how cute is that?

You can make tables like this:

|column 1|column 2|
|something else|and whatnot|

You can make tables like this:

column 1 column 2
whatever something
something else and whatnot

I tried all markup variations I know trying to embed image links into my posts. Funny thing, they show in preview mode, but not in the posted message.

In my TinkerShed post I even tried an iframe (embedded a playable link to my project into it). Same, works in preview but disappears in the final post. Still there and working in edit mode though...

Could we 'pretty please' have embedded images? Would make it so much easier to explain stuff sometimes.

I will be thinking about it. Ideally, I would like to allow dropping images to the editing window and have them hosted on microstudio.dev, rather than allowing links to external images. However I will see what I can do effectively to enable this. When working on the initial release of the forum, I figured it would still be possible to draw a diagram using this site: https://asciiflow.com/ :-)

Oh, this is nice! I'd found out about the markup one, but I didn't know about all the others! Although I feel like I get it wrong and have to look at the preview....

Yeah, embedded images (or maybe just copying images) would be nice, although it's still fine to explain stuff without it, anyways

This post ought to be linked to the bottom (middle) of all reply boxes. That way it's easy to find what the markdown options are. All that happens now is that a reply box says, "you can use markdown" but with no actual details as to what that means.

I also suggest this is tagged under HELP too.

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