
We need a “Favorites” tab. So that the user can bookmark there especially interesting projects for himself.

We really need the function to save/bookmark/favorite particularly interesting projects. Somewhere where they can be conveniently researched at any time. And there are tons of such interesting projects, among a bunch of little interesting projects.

This is especially important for beginners. When you often need to research other people's tutorials/examples/demos/projects/games/libraries and other all. What is missing is the function of bookmark them to "Favorites". And accordingly, you need a tab with a list of all such bookmarked favorite projects.

We already have a lot of different projects in the Explore section. It's great that it's all there. But it is not convenient to open the necessary projects through "Explore" every time.

We need a “Favorites” tab. So that each user can have a convenient place with a list of projects interesting to HIM personally.

You can probably just host a site on GitHub Pages for that. Most browsers will also have bookmark and bookmark organization features. You can look at the client code of my tool MicroStats to see how microStudio's API works.

Yeah. For now, that leaves the bookmark option, or the other ones. But it's all a bit of a crutch. + by saving in "Favorites" we can additionally judge the popularity of projects.

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