We need a “Favorites” tab. So that the user can bookmark there especially interesting projects for himself.
We really need the function to save/bookmark/favorite particularly interesting projects. Somewhere where they can be conveniently researched at any time. And there are tons of such interesting projects, among a bunch of little interesting projects.
This is especially important for beginners. When you often need to research other people's tutorials/examples/demos/projects/games/libraries and other all. What is missing is the function of bookmark them to "Favorites". And accordingly, you need a tab with a list of all such bookmarked favorite projects.
We already have a lot of different projects in the Explore section. It's great that it's all there. But it is not convenient to open the necessary projects through "Explore" every time.
We need a “Favorites” tab. So that each user can have a convenient place with a list of projects interesting to HIM personally.