It is just a timer that you can start, reset and have a variable that can be changed to a specific number like 1,10,20 that represents seconds. I think it would help because everybody wouldn't need to code a timer themselves as I encountered the same problem.
So hello I made a plugin!
It is a simple timer.
So if you want to check it out here: https://microstudio.dev/i/MrBoi/timer/
Now at least everybody doesn't need to code there own timer.
It's simple enough to do a timer though:
timer=0 //reset timer
timer+=1/60 // Frame rate is 60 times per second
So it's not a necessity. But it would be good I guess.
Yes I understand that it is not a big deal to make a timer, but for a beginner to programming that just wants to use a timer it would be pretty complicated.
I agree, when I first see any programming language I always feel like they make timers a bit complicated. Although microstudio isn't the worst one, having blocks similar to scratch such as "wait 1 second" probably could be useful in lots of different coding languages.
I like your thinking Gizmic, but there is a plugin called wait that adds waiting(like python time.sleep), but I think it would be a bit better to have it native to microScript so people didn't need to make timers themselves.