So I think this suggestion is already known to the developer, but I just think that a profile with a picture and a description about what are you creating an in general about you. Plus showing your projects on your would be nice:). I took this idea from "scratch".
Yes, the idea was already mentioned, but it's still nice to see another approved logo for the exact idea (the other one I believe was a post of 3 suggestions by this_name_was_taken )
Yeah, having profiles and featured projects would be nice, especially considering there could be so many extra customisations, like featured projects and most popular. I mean this site will eventually be more popular than scratch, so we might as well get it working now ;)
I started with "scratch", but I saw the limitations qiuckly, but here if you know how to code and draw pixel art you can make amazing things. I would love to see this game engine be bigger then "scratch"