

It would be nice to see an auto-fill while coding for variables and also auto-fill for child/parent relationships between objects and sorts.

MicroStudio uses Ace Editor, so it's possible to add autocomplete to the MicroScript extension. However, it would require code to understand all of MicroScript's API along with the unique scoping rules.

Auto-fill? It's not clear what you mean exactly. Maybe code completion? Uh, yeah. It's sorely missed. For a number of reasons.

Yes. Code completion.

I am currently working on a VS Code + local Micro Studio integration problem. VS Code works pretty well with Micro Script code completion.

I_love_snake_style, Whoa. I'm also thinking about implementing VS Code + Local Micro Studio bundle somehow. What exactly are you doing now? And what is your progress?

lazy_sinner, I'm trying to explore different issues of integrating VS Code + local Micro Studio.

There are simple items that are not difficult to implement. And there is a complicated part that is quite difficult to solve. At least for me.

Relatively simple tasks - make syntax highlighting and code completion. Some features, like search for the whole project, already works fine, by itself, as well as almost all other VS Code functions. The hard task is to make Micro Studio able to pick up code changes from VS Code in real time.

It is already easy to edit code files of local Micro Studio directly from VS Code. You just need to find and open these files in “C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\microstudio\files”. But the problem is that Micro Studio doesn't have File Watcher function. Micro Studio is not able to track and pick up changes in code files in real time. To update the code in Micro Studio editor, you have to re-enter the project every time.

But at the same time, there is a project on github where one guy added such File Watcher feature. https://github.com/CodingButter/microstudio-vscode He made integration of VS Code and online Micro Studio. Not local, but online. But there is a problem here too. Dependencies are outdated there, and now npm refuses to install that tool. It doesn't work now. I hope that guy will update his tool.

I'll have to ask Micro Studio developers or someone else to add File Watcher feature to local Micro Studio. Or I'll have to figure out the code myself and try to add this feature. I doubt I will succeed here.

Progress on syntax highlighting and code completion is going pretty well. I think I'll start publishing some of the results within 1-4 weeks.

The main problem is to teach local Micro Studio to pick up changes in code files in real time - File Watcher.

That is a cool idea. That could help a lot

Yes. VS Code support, with all its features, is sorely lacking.

Yes. VS Code would definitely improve many features micro studio is lacking in. I'm all for it I_love_snake_style!

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