Embedded forum / chat
• released •
At some point I may consider adding community features to microStudio, especially a forum (like Discourse for example). One of the main benefits of a forum, over Discord, is that the questions raised and answers provided can be indexed by search engines, thus creating an online knowledge base useful to everyone for years.
So this milestone is released and you are actually using it right now! I believe it has a nice feature set as is, but there is still room for improvements: reactions / likes, allowing to post media (images / sounds / videos), profile image (profile sprite?). Of course if there is anything you would like to see added, there is a Suggestions category to this forum :-)
This looks great and will help with the accessibility of questions and answers.
Love it, just what microStudio needed :)
Just be careful, we already have a spammer .. that @gilles guy is flooding the board HAHA

Regarding the forums future, yes for sure additional features always excite the masses .. mainly me, LOL
Image links
Always useful, to explain things, provide tutorial, show bugs etc.
(I tried to embed an imgur link into my last post, showed up fine in the preview, but not the final post)
High priority in my humble opinion
Always nice. Beside showing what peeps like it's also a good motivation for the poster
Profile picture
Yes please :)
Little rewards/acknowledgements for all kind of things.
Patreon status, Tutorial Master, Bug Hunter,things like that
So used to them from Discourse forums, many uses
Personal Channel
Would be great if one could keep a dedicated personal thread, like a journal.
Maybe as an extra motivation for Patreon supporters
Just a few ideas, no pressure they are just suggestions.
Beside making the image link working though, I think that should be nearly a must.
Keep up the great work.
Cheers, TinkerSmith
I love it! This could especially be a great place to get collaborations going, and an idea for that could perhaps be personal threads between 2+ people. Perhaps something where you could search up certain creators and view all their projects on a profile-type thing would be great too! This is certainly an amazing milestone to hit, however.
Keep up the great work :)!
Good idea this_name_is_taken :)
Reminds me, how can we 'tag' someone in our replies? tickle
Other forums sometimes have the option to send PMs (Personal Messages) that allow to have a more private conversation with someone.
Quite handy for collabs etc., some even allow to add multiple users to one of those message threads.
could there be a way to set chat between two individual people (basically like messaging but over microstudio)? I apologise if that has already been implemented.
@gilles will be nice to have 'my posts' page, where i can look for own old posts :)