


This is a simple tool that lets a user see their project stats easily. Enter your username, and it'll load your projects sorted by popularity. At the top, you may see updates such as "[project name] has 4 new likes!" or "[project name] has 1 new comment!". I hope this will be useful for people to see all of their public project stats in one place.

Tell me how you get this data using your project!!!

Do you download the entire user profile page from the server (and then analyze it) or is there some API that returns individual records? I looked at the server sources and there is only one file from the API but in my opinion it was not possible to download specific data.

Try looking at microstats/api.js, and feel free to copy from it. It opens a socket to microstudio.dev and searches for the user's name, filtering out any projects that the user does not own (Example: if you search for "gilles", not all results will be owned by @gilles). The data from that does not include comments, so it makes another request to get the comments for each project. As for MicroStudio's code itself, try server/session/session.coffee. To find this out, I used DevTools to set a breakpoint at microstudio.dev/all.js:1985 (Client.prototype.sendRequest).

Nice work @TwiceUponATime

Can I use the MicroStudio server API to write a comment under a project? Or can I only download existing data?

If you have an access token, you can do almost anything a user can. Just send the token over the web socket before anything else.

Can this token be downloaded from javascript? (in some easy way)

I have an idea for a plugin/application - microChat.

Anyone who would like to chat would create a project called "Messages".

Messages would be saved on the MicroStudio server in this project. After reading the message, you send that you have received the message.

A >> B message_id [ 123 ] : xxxx
B << A received_id
A >> deletes the message mesage_id[ 123 ]

An access token is what you get when you log in to MicroStudio. It's private to each user and is used to verify identity.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean when you say that messages are stored in the project.

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