
Why does Microstudio take forever for my game to be in the explore section. :(

It has been almost 2 months sence my first one has been published in Microstudio. And I have added more. And still none of them are in the explore section. I hope someone can tell me why.

You probably didn't check the box - show in Explore section.

I have hit the box.

It should appear almost immediately. Did you check the "list my project in the Explore section" box?


it is. But it is still not there. Why?

Make sure you're sorting by hot or new.

ok i will see

it is still not there. :(

is there anything that would not do it?

my game happen the same thing

Sorry man. :( I hope they fix this weird problem.

It's the same for me, my game isn't there

sorry for you too. :( they NEED to fix this weird thing that cant put game in the explore section.

I just did two tests

  • I did an old public project
  • I did a new public project

Both of them showed up in the Explore section immediately.

What does that mean?

It Still did not work. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

It works for me as well... strange.

But it is still not working. I have been Clicking on the box forever. It STILL does not work. And I saw new games just today. I am mad. >:(

that's true, i'm making a dungeon game and i want TOO much post him and btw i won't :( i think is better send a e-mail to @gilles

Been happening for me too, I assumed it had something to do with being newer, but when I joined my first project was on the new panel.. odd.

i don't know, because i had an acount since feb 2024(when i meet microstudio), and today i tryied to post some of my old games and it didn't worked, and i don't really know why lmao

Maybe it is something to do with being new?

no, that's problaby a bug

Well, if it is. then it has been doing this for more then TWO MOUNTHES. THEY NEED TO FIX IT. Because I want my awesome games in the explore section. >:(

Can you post the public link here so we can check? Maybe your project is a clone of other games or incomplete/broken?

So you want me to show you my game's public link?

I can show you one of them.


it might have to do with the name, nothing shows up when searching "hollow", not a single game. it might be a filter to prevent profanity and for some reason, a part of "hollow" is blocked.

I believe the game has not yet been approved as it's really similar to the running tutorial. I see you personalize the graphics but it doesn't add too much to the gameplay.

Usually too similar project are not published to avoid multiplication in the explorer section.

There are plenty of games exactly like the tutorial but with different graphics, so maybe project approval was added in a recent update. It's also possible a recent update broke publishing.

So what does this mean exactly

Does it mean that I have do something to put it in the explore section

I can see your projects in your profile

It means that you should create something original enough to be promoted to the explore section. You could improve the original gameplay adding more enemies or game mechanics as example.

Make it unique in some way and not just a recolored version of the tutorial.

Ok, so you want me to make my game have more things in it, correct?


I know there in my profile, but there not in the explore section. Is there any reason why?

I also have it :(

JensGamesStudios, Is there a reason why my Projects are not in the explore section.

Because my game is just NOT going to the explore section and I just added a new one. Here is the one I just added in the public about an hour a ago, https://microstudio.io/i/Tiberius/hollowsspaceinvaded/


Now it shows up in the explore section. I'm not sure what happened with the other ones.

YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! One of my Games is finaly in the explore section. And my first one! so happy.:) please like Hollow's: Space Invaded.

Small info: A few people including me and Gilles manually approve the projects, before they get released out into the wild.

But nothing has been really happening because Gilles was the only person, well approving, and this resulted in this extreme delay. I apologize for making you wait so long.

And it isn't a bug either, it is a moderation step before publishing.

Oh my gosh, so does this mean that my projects can go to the explore section now? Because Gilles is not the only one manually doing this. please message back, I would like to know, please. :)

I do want to know why this is the reason please. Because it is important to know about.

confusedcatgirl, please I would like to know why please.

HomineLudens, or anyone, I just added my running tutorial, and Loginus made it more unique. But it is still not in the explore section.

here is the running tutorial but made by me and uniquely coded by Loginus, https://microstudio.io/i/Tiberius/babyhollowrun/

I just user-approved you, should be fine now.

Yay...But I do not see the running tutorial, Do I have to wait to go there

I see all of my games in the explore section! thanks :)

Within ten days, this post has the second most replies in the MicroStudio community. The post in third place was posted three years ago.

NO WAY!!! I can not believed to accomplish that! (SOOOO COOL)

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