
Scene changing issue

I am working on a menu page for my game, pressing A prints everything fine and unloads the current scene but then the screen just stays black instead of loading the scene associated with the global variable "drawBackground"

Menu buttons:

update = function() if global.drawLobby == true then if keyboard.A then print("Start game!") sleep 0.1 seconds global.drawLobby = false sleep 1 seconds global.drawBackground = true sleep 0.1 seconds end if keyboard.B then print("Load saved game!") end if keyboard.C then print("Load credits!") end end end

Sorry if this is a really stupid error, this is my first time making a game in Microstudio.

update = function()
    if keyboard.A then
      if drawLobby == true then
        print("Play the game")
        sleep 0.1 seconds
        drawBackground = true
            drawLobby = false

here is a more specific snipped of just the button that is broken

from: Abr00

heute um 03:47 Uhr

sleep 0.1 seconds will pause the entire function for 0.1 seconds. During that time, it will not be able to react to inputs or even do anything. An alternative would be:

update = function()
    if keyboard.A then
      if drawLobby == true then
        print("Play the game")
        after 0.1 seconds do        //   <----<<<
          drawLobby = false
          drawBackground = true

this will put the code for turning off the draw lobby function in a seperate thread which will run after 0.1 of a second. Meanwhile the update function will continue as normal the update function is normally called once per frame, but the sleep function will delay that call to when the current iteration of the function finishes

You probably shouldn't use sleep in the update() function.

This function is executed 60 times per second and should last as short as possible and not be stopped for 1 second.

Make the code public in the project settings and provide a link to the code .

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