One-Bit Jam?
I recently made a little toy I call the One-Bit Challenge with two colors, a 32x24 display, and only the ability to draw rectangles. I thought it might be an interesting limiting factor for a game jam. Any thoughts?
To create your own one-bit game, simply click on the link, clone the project and add the "1bit" tag in the Publish section.
One Bit Creations:
that would be hard and fun
32 by 24.... instant memories of the zx81 (although to be fair it had 'block' graphics too so no Mazogs =^^= )
Sounds like fun! - Not sure how to embed here so here is a very buggy version of 'Life'
It's possible to embed a project (or any URL, but it's designed for projects) like this:
Wait a single bit can only have two states so it would just switch from 0 to 1
I call it one-bit because each pixel only stores one bit of data (black or white). Similarly, 8-bit means an image with a 256-color palette (8 bits per pixel).
Since there are not many people who want to join, this thread is open to submissions but there will be no winners.
one-bit jam, great concept, let's keep this thread alive. ... although i took some liberty with the resolution ☺️