

So... lett's go?.

I wanna do a game based in an of most famous game in roblox(and one of my fav) named "Cheese Scape", but i wanna do it in 2d game style and multiplayer, but... how multiplayer works, i don't really know how it works and when i oppened the project with multiplayers mode, i i understood absolutly nothing so plis help me, i'll be so gratefull for read any replie.

Thanks for the help and i love you too much <3

It's very difficult.

  • You have to create a program code that will run on the server
  • You have to write a code for the game

Both program codes have to work perfectly. Probably only you will know how these programs work - and that means you won't be able to ask anyone for help.

Start with easy projects.

@Loginus for beggin with this project i have to make a code for server and client?

just to beggin, i wanna make a sever for test if my friends can connect, how can i make it?

rianstar, there is literally example code in the documentation.

Also, if you want to program a multiplayer game, you need to research how other games do it, like minecraft and roblox, heck, any game really that has online multiplayer.

This isn't something you can do in an hour or two, thats something you can work on for weeks, just to get a halfway decent system with all your features.

I would recommend first coding the game for the player alone, making sure everything works, and then finish it off with the server. I personally would do it with a system, where the data is only sent when it changes, and only called when it is needed.

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