Is it possible to save your progress in a game or during a game?
I was thinking about it because most modern games have a save features so that you could come to where you saved. Not checkpoints, I know that is a thing in microstudio, I mean by like a save so when you come back, you are where you ended up last time.
So a save state, no there is no such thing, the developer of the game would have to add a saving mechanic.
What game are you trying to save? Here are a few options:
- Ask the developer to implement saves
- Clone the project and implement saves yourself
- Create a browser extension to save and load the game state
- Find a general-purpose browser extension that can save a tab's state to load later
No that is not what I meant, I meant was when you are playing for 5 hours and you save your game at the place and time. Like most modern games support save functions so when you come back to the game, then you are back where you ended up last time.
Yes, that's what I'm talking about. You can use the Storage API to save JSON data.
I do not think you can but I wish it was a thing