Inlining text color changes in a draw call
Hello, is there a way to "inline" text color changes in a text draw call?
For example, "You see Farmer" I'd like to change the Farmer to a different color (like green) and otherwise text be white.
Hello, is there a way to "inline" text color changes in a text draw call?
For example, "You see Farmer" I'd like to change the Farmer to a different color (like green) and otherwise text be white.
TextColor = function( x, y, text, size, color )
// screen.setColor(color)
screen.drawText( text, x, y, size, color )
return screen.textWidth( text, size )
draw = function()
size = TextColor( 0, 0, "You see ", 20, "black")
size += TextColor( 0 + size, 0, "Farmer", 20 , "green" )