
I absolutely love this! But I have a couple of questions

I am limited to using my phone for everything as I don't have a laptop. I have recently had the urge to start working on a game again and I just can't fork out for another monthly subscription to Construct.

I actually recently started working on my own web based game making tool just so I could code on my phone and then I found this! And even better, I can utilize the game object system that I was working on for my engine within this as this uses javascript!

Not to mention how many user plug-ins etc there are built into it. I can add my game object management system to share with other creators!

I have a couple of questions though.

First off, can I reference javascript code using MicroScript? So I don't have to convert all the code I have already written? And so I can potentially add other javascript libraries to? Like at runtime is MicroScript converted to javascript or is it interpreted within the engine?

Secondly, how powerful is the engine? I see it utilizes pixi.js which is great, but would its speed be good enough to compete with the likes of game maker or construct? As I have a pretty hefty game idea in mind and I don't want to get part way through and find out its not going to be able to handle it.

I might have a gander at the source to see how it works too 🙂.

Another question, is there a way to set the screen size or is it fixed? I'm ok with making a pixel game but just wondering if a bigger viewport is possible

You can create a project in which the main language is JavaScript.

You can combine MicroScript 2.0 code with JavaScript. MicroScript 2.0, the Lua implementation, and Python are 100 times slower than the same code in JavaScript.


https://microstudio.dev/i/Skaruts/ms2_speed_test/ << MicroScript speed test

https://microstudio.dev/i/Skaruts/js_speed_test/ << JavaScript speed test

You can bypass this problem by passing some of the operations to JavaScript. For example, when you want to sort a list, you call the list sorting function built into JavaScript.

Critical code elements can be written in JavaScript and called from MicroScript code.

MicroStudio has 2 graphics libraries as standard. PIXI and Babylon. You can even use Shaders.

Physical libraries will make it easier to work with object collisions.

Adding libraries is difficult (keyword "import"). If the library is one file such as "abc.js", "abc.min.js", it is still easy. But if it is several files and each file has its own dependencies, you will have to manually replace all the words import and export with global.

And then you need to change the declarations throughout the code so that they indicate the names correctly.


import abc from ABC.js

global.abc = global.ABC()

Additionally, there is the problem of condition race and you need to ensure that the code always executes in the established order.

I moved several libraries to MicroScript 2.0 - and it was very difficult. JavaScript code written as the project evolves is easier to maintain.

As for the engine's capabilities - it was designed for small games, such as 8-Bit graphics. However, if you use PIXI or Babylon you will have the same capabilities as website code.

If you use standard graphics, you can use screen.setScale() , image.setScale()

If you use PIXI - the size of the elements depends on the scene settings.

Thank you for the in depth explanations. It appears to be more logical for me to continue in javascript then.

I am really impressed with how solid this software has been working so far.

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