How to start making a metroidvania game?
I really just want to make this really cool game that is a type of game metroidvania, if you do not know what I am talking about, then look up metroidvania and see what it is. Otherwise, is there any other game that has that type of game style? I would love to know. :)
First, make sure you want to use MicroStudio. It's a minimal engine, and if you're trying to make a full-fledged game, there are other options such as Godot, Unity, or web-based engines like Phaser. Then, look for libraries or frameworks you might want to use to make development easier. You'll probably need a platformer physics engine, a scrolling level, and maybe a scene manager. After that, make sure you have movement and basic game features in place. The approach from here is different between different game developers, but I like to design the levels and add necessary features as I go. Another method is to design the entire game on paper first and then program it. As for examples, there are plenty of Metroidvania games you can find online such as Hollow Knight and Axiom Verge.
Is it alright if you want to help me make this awesome game with me? I was planning to tell the community. I want many people to help me and make this amazing gamewith top physics, animations, bosses, and story, so that everyone can play this awesome game. And to show that microstudio is a good game engine (Because I think microstudio is a excellent game engine to start with, like me), don't you think so. please tell me. :)
I'm currently working on other things, but I can help you with code and game design on the forums.
so something similar to Hello Neighbor? (that's the only game I am familiar with that has this style)
TwiceUponATime, you are being invited now. :)
AGameProgrammer, I do not think Hello Neighbor is a metroidvania, it is more of a stealth horror game. Otherwise, Would you like to work and make a metroidvania with me and TwiceUponATime? Just tell me. :)
hmmm, I am not sure. I mean, I have some good ideas and stuff, but I am not that good at programming and art :(.
(Apparently, in one of their "devlogs", Hello Neighbor was meant to be similar to metroidvania)
YAY, I love people with ideas! please come and join. I am inviting you now. :)
(and do not worry, if you are not great at coding or art, just tell us ideas. Because I love them.)