How to make it so the player doesn't clip into block?
I've been trying and trying and trying but to no avail.
I've been trying and trying and trying but to no avail.
collision = function(x1,y1,w1,h1,x2,y2,w2,h2)
this.hit = false
distx = abs((x2-x1))
if distx <= w2/2 + w1/2 then
disty = abs((y2-y1))
if disty <= h2/2 + h1/2 then
this.hit = true
end - fast collision detection of 2 rectangles
you set a local variable that contains the current position plus the direction of movement. and you run a collision check on this temporary variable. If there is no collision, you can move the player's character.
That's what I've been trying to do, though I did switch to your collision code, I don't notice anything different but it probably better than mine so thanks.
Calculating a square root requires a series of steps, including division, addition, comparison - up to 64 times.
Add FPS display with your code where you have the square root calculated and for the code without calculating the square root you will see the differences.
I have a difference of 10 FPS << check the code
Well holy cow, it works. I can no longer clip into blocks, and it's laggy enough so you can't see the bounce. Thanks I been trying for ever for it to work
Funny thing: the game is already in the megabytes, my first project in the megabytes.
You can still speed up the program. Now you check during each "update" for each block whether there was a collision with the mouse. You only need to do this when the player has pressed the mouse button.
main file , update function >>
if mouse.pressed then
blocks.forEach( function( item ) item.mouseCollide() end)