How to change a viewsize?
Hello, I'm new to microStudio, and I would like to know how it is possible to change the viewsize of the screen, without changing the resolution, something like a zoom, is there a command or something like that?
Hello, I'm new to microStudio, and I would like to know how it is possible to change the viewsize of the screen, without changing the resolution, something like a zoom, is there a command or something like that?
If you are new what i suggest is to change the scale of your sprites. If your sprite is 32x32 and you want to see 2 times bigger do this:
screen.drawSprite('icon', x, y, 32 * 2, 32 * 2)
You can do scaling on the object you are drawing on.
screen.setScale( 0.5, 0.5 )
image.setScale( 2, 2 )
Now you have all the objects 2 times smaller.