how do I find out the number of digits in a variable
i need a sprite to do increase its width based on the amount of digits in the variable
i need a sprite to do increase its width based on the amount of digits in the variable
Assign this variable to another variable that way the value is checked. Or do you mean digits as in places?
a = 123
print( "a length = " + a.toString().length )
Will work well for positive integers.
getLength10 = function( value )
result = 0
value = abs( value )
while value >= 1
result += 1
value = floor(value/10)
return result
Works for all numbers.
log10 = function( value )
result = 0
value = abs( value )
if value != 0 then
result = log(value)/log(10)
return floor(result) + 1
When you understand logarithm .