
Znax a connect 4 style game.

Znax is a remake of a game by Nick Kouvaris.

It is a sort of puzzle / arcade game where you as the player need to select 4 blocks of the same color and form rectangles as big as you can. By doing this you will erase all blocks in this rectangle and they will be replaced by new blocks. You keep on doing this untill the time runs out, and try to gain your highest score possible.

There are two game modes, Relative Timer and Fixed Timer, in the first mode you'll also gain extra time for deleting blocks so you can play longer if you are fast enough. With the second mode you don't get extra time for deleting blocks but just points added to your score so here you try to get the highest amount of points in the given time period.

This is a complete conversion of the C++ version of the game i initially made for the gp2x to microStudio (javascript). Small changes have been done compared to my other versions like:

  • Fixed Timer Play Time has been reduced to 5 minutes, 10 minutes was too long
  • Relative Timer Play Time has been reduced to 2.5 minutes and deleting blocks gives less extra time.
  • Addition of extra clickable menu's on main menu and game screen to change skin, music and sound options
  • Highlighting of options and menu's when hoovering with the mouse over it.
  • Added skin that was made for the portmaster version by tekkenfade
  • Frame based logic & drawing, original game used loops for remaining in a certain game state, now each gamestate handles just one frame at a time which was needed for microStudio version
  • Changes to logic on certain non gameplay places, like in menu's or entering high scores and so on
  • Specific changes required for microStudio like saving of highscores, sound, music and skin options, Input handling, drawing functions etc


Version 1.2

  • Added Crossfading between the different states / screens
  • Added Crossfading when highlighting or selecting menu items
  • Added Crossfading when selecting a new skin

Version 1.1

  • Shows how many rectangles are possible to form in the statusbar on the right
  • Made sure when a game starts there are always at least 10 rectangles to form
  • Made sure when blocks are removed that there is always 1 rectangle to form

Version 1.0

  • Initial Game Release

:embed https://microstudio.io/joyrider3774/znax/

mode Fixed Timer - 40100 best result

Game is updated to Version 1.1


  • Shows how many rectangles are possible to form in the statusbar on the right
  • Made sure when a game starts there are always at least 10 rectangles to form
  • Made sure when blocks are removed that there is always 1 rectangle to form

you may need to refresh the game (cache) like press ctrl+shift+r in chrome

Game is updated to Version 1.2


  • Added Crossfading between the different states / screens
  • Added Crossfading when highlighting or selecting menu items
  • Added Crossfading when selecting a new skin

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