Needing coders to my game.
Currently, I maked 2 maps, camera and player. I need wall collisions
Currently, I maked 2 maps, camera and player. I need wall collisions
I can help!
Invite me pls
i can help to invite me pls
Invited u guys!
Hey I can help out if needed.
hey the character isn't showing up when I start it
Damn, it's a glitch maybe.
I fixed the code The error was in "main" //player.draw() (The // is for messages)
k ty I'll work on collision
also what does this.isMovingX do like whats "this."
"this.isMovingX" is for the system to detect if the player is moving
Okay, invited
ill join as a artist if you need any
I'm a new coder, if you want me to join I can help with coding. Can you invite me
Ok, levi_. Added
also i think we should use the new collaborator chat plug-in to communicate
We created a talking page in coding page of the game.