Can you guys test my game real quick
Its a simple game that's supose to be like 'Zelda 2 The Adventure of Link'. The npc doesn't do anything yet
Move with A and D
Jump with Space
Pull out and put away sword with E
That's it, more is gonna be added but this is what I have
If you find the glitch I will include you in the game
Over all great just I turned invisable I'm guessing that is the glitch and I love Zelda probably my favorite franchize
How did you turn invisible, that’s is not the glitch but I’m curious.
Oh I was in a cave and my character just disapeared
Odd, I’ll look into it. Thanks for pointing it out
@MrGalaxy33 Maybe you went above or below the map?
It’s quite easy to go above the map, but you don’t disappear, you get drawn on top of the map. Is it animation
just tried it out and it's got some cool animations, but if you jump into the corner of a block like the roof of the cave then you glitch into the wall and float to the top
I notice, you can perform this with walls if you use your sword and jump at a sword with your back to it you glitch. The game doesn't check for how fast your going into a wall, or if you are jumping