

Blockdude is a remake of the well known TI Caluculator game from Brandon Sterner as well as the blockman game from Soleau Software. This version of the game is based on my GP2X version of blockdude i made over a decade ago.

The aim of the game, in any level, is to move the player to the exit door. You will need to create a path to this exit door by picking up blocks and placing them on strategic locations, so you can reach the exit door.

It took me about a week to get it all ported, i had initially some issues getting the c++ classes converted to javascript and making them work. But it's seems to be working now!

Have fun

:embed https://microstudio.io/joyrider3774/blockdude/

I can't pass level 5 - I think 1 stone is missing.

The controls are a bit confusing - I didn't know how to play because I press the arrow keys and jump between levels.

The character at level 5 moved left by itself when I was at the highest point of the map with stones above my head and jumped down by itself (moved 3 spaces). This happened several times.

The game is hard, level 5 is solveable as it currently is

When you press "play" on main menu you do not immediatly start playing you first get into the level selector where you can choose the level you want to play if it is unlocked, by default it'll show the last unlocked level and you have to press space to select it, it is done on purpose so you can replay previously solved levels.

i'm not sure what you mean about level 5 with the movement, can you try to explain more so i can try to reproduce ? I was not able to reproduce this yet. The game does use a system where if you press left or right (or up) once and stop pressing it the player will move to the position equally to a tile position. So this means if you are still holding left while you reach the top position of the level 5 the player will actually move one more position to the left, you need to stop holding left, before you reach the end of a new tile position, but i'm not sure it is that your running into

You're right, you can pass level 5.

It's my brain that's too soft.

How to get the character to walk on its own:

  • a position in a recess so that you can jump out of it, there must be some free space in the direction you are going to see that the character is moving on its own (4 or 5 blocks should be enough).
  • press the up key and quickly the direction key in the direction where you have a lot of space.
  • release the keys quickly
  • the character will jump out, usually standing on a block 1 square away
  • when the character walks on his own, he will reach the first obstacle that prevents him from going further. This happens about once every 20 to 30 jumps.

there must be a rounding error somewhere in the code then i think as i explicitely check for its position but not sure.

I've been trying to reproduce it but i'm still unable to...

So the character is on the ground and not on boxes or so and not moving when you start and has no block on its head and no path blocking the direction like no block besides him to jump onto when you press the up and hold the up key and then direction key quick and release they keys or do you not hold the up key while pressing the direction key before quickly releasing it ?

also which browser are you using ?

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