hello world! my project don't work and I don't know why... does anyone know how to fix it?
it says: "turtle.TurtleGraphicsError: bad color arguments: ((0.8, 0.0, 0.0),), in file "main" at line 899", but there are only 19 lines...
Here's the code :
import turtle
import colorsys
t = turtle.Turtle()
s = turtle.Screen().bgcolor('black')
n = 70
h = 0
for i in range (360):
c = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, 1, 0.8)
h+= 1/n
for j in range (2):
Here's the project:https://microstudio.dev/projects/rainbow/code/
Hi there :)
That is your private code link, that won't show for us. To make the code visible you have to publish your project.
If it is still in development just tick the 'unlisted' option and share the link here.
Are you trying to replicate some code that you got from somewhere else? microStudio does not have turtleGraphics by default :)
Or did you create your own turtle library? Then one definitely would need to see the whole code.
Live Long and Tinker
TinkerSmith, "turtle" is a Python language module :)
simo00y, most likely, the turtle module does not work without the tkinter library. But you need to ask someone more competent than me about this :)
Here is an example how to create turtle graphic with microStudio in Python/Brython.