When I jump and hold it wont stop flying
When I hold my jump key it will just keep flying in the air instead of just jumping a certain amount and falling even if I still holding it
init = function() Quick.init() Quick.addMap("map1", 0,0,400,200) player = Quick.addSprite("player_idle",-150,-50,20) Quick.background = "rgb(70,8,49)" Quick.gravity = 30 Quick.ground = -10000 end
update = function() Quick.update()
if keyboard.RIGHT then player.vx = 100 player.name = "player_run" else if keyboard.LEFT then player.vx = -100 player.name = "player_run_left" else player.vx = 0 player.name = "player_idle" end end
if keyboard.SPACE or keyboard.W then player.vy = 100 end
if not player.grounded then player.name = "player_jump" end
if player.y<-200 then gameover = 1 end
Quick.camera.move(player.x,player.y) end
draw = function() if gameover then screen.clear() screen.drawText("GAME OVER",0,0,50,"rgb(255,255,255)") else Quick.draw() end end