Is there a step-by-step debugging in MicroStudio?
I would like to have a classic step-by-step debugging, where you can look at the execution of each individual line. I couldn't find it in the documentation. Is there any step-by-step debugging in Micro Studio at all?
Step by step debugger is not available. You can put system.pause() in your code and that will automatically pause executions before next frame/update. You can then use ms debug tools to see the values of all global variables.
I've seen information somewhere that you can add a library or plugin to your project, which gives step-by-step debugging. But, unfortunately, I can't find where I read about it. I'm not even sure if I'm dreaming about it.
Sebastian, thanks for the information. That will be very helpful.
lazy_sinner, yeah, I kinda saw information about something like that too. Can't find it either though.