How to get length or width of a Matter.Body.rectangle()
the microstudio documentation tells us that to get a shape's X or Y value, its [shape].position.x. Is there something similar to get the length or width of an object or another parameter?
the microstudio documentation tells us that to get a shape's X or Y value, its [shape].position.x. Is there something similar to get the length or width of an object or another parameter?
When you create an object, you know its dimensions. Immediately after creating it, you can add width and height fields to it
This will show the approximate boundaries of the object - they will be false (larger) than the real ones when the object is rotated about the reference axis.
bounds = Matter.Bounds.create(box.vertices)
width = bounds.max.x - bounds.min.x
height = bounds.max.y - bounds.min.y
Or you calculate the distance between vertices. box.vertices << you take two vertices and count the distance.
when you enter the name of the object in the console, you will receive a list of available methods and fields.
you can also check it from the inside
printField = function( obj, str )
if obj.type == "object" then
for field in obj
local fieldType = obj[ field ].type
if ( fieldType != "function") and ( fieldType != "object") then
print( "Field = " + str + field + " type = " + obj[field].type )
for method in obj
if obj[ method ].type == "object" then
printField( obj[ method ], str + "." + method )
printMethod( obj[ method ], str + "." + method )
printMethod = function( obj, str )
if obj.type == "object" then
for method in obj
if obj[ method ].type == "function" then
print( "Method = " + str + "." + method + " type = " + obj[method].type )
// Prints all fields and methods
// in the class along with inherited methods.
printObject = function( obj )
printField( obj, ">>> " )
Ok, thanks. This is what i thought I would have to do, Thanks!