How do you teleport characters into a room? And can you activate this via touching a door?
Hello, im wondering how to teleport between rooms as in changing maps and altough I know how to do it I cant teleport my character into the room as it always is outside the map when changing, is there anyway to spawn in a set location with the following code.
if keyboard.H then house = true end if keyboard.H then x=0 and y=0 end
if house == false and mode=="play" then screen.drawMap( "map", x, y, 3400, 3400 ) elsif
house== true and mode=="play" then screen.drawMap( "map2", x, y, 600, 600 ) end
if sp == false and mode=="play" then screen.drawSprite( "player", 0, 0, 32, 64 ) end
if sp == true and mode=="play" then screen.drawSprite( "knife", 0, 0, 32, 64 ) end
if mode=="play" and house == false then screen.drawSprite( "npc1", f, h, 31, 35 ) end
if mode=="play" and house == false then screen.drawSprite( "npc2", f+250, h+145, 31, 35 )
if mode=="play" and dialogue == true then screen.drawSprite( "sprite37", -100, -60, 125, 60 )
elsif dialogue == false then end