how do you make it so it only updates a variable once in an if loop
i have started on the inventorie but the stats go up infinently on equiping an item eg:
if hat = "helmet of bob" then def += 4 end
please help if you have time to
i have started on the inventorie but the stats go up infinently on equiping an item eg:
if hat = "helmet of bob" then def += 4 end
please help if you have time to
You are adding 4 to def every frame it recognizes that you are wearing the helmet. It can be resolved by resetting the stats to 0 at the beginning of the loop, then adding on the correct amount.
update = function()
local pass = false
for i = 1 to 100 by 1
if not pass and hat == "helmet of bob" then
def += 4
pass = true