
hex binary to binary cut

I have a hex number like D4 which is equal 11010100 in binary. I need to get the value of the first bit in a bool variable and the 7 other into a number (so for the exemple of D4; The bool would be true and the number variable would be 84)

For this you should use Python, it comes with a bunch of functions such as bin, int and hex, which are extremely helpful for such things.

What I was able to pull out, was something along the lines of this (I made it a bit more human readable :P):

num = "D4"
int_num = int(num,16)
bin_num = bin(int_num)[2:]

int_num is the hexadecimal number converted back into an integer, and bin_num is the number convered into binary, but without the 0b at the beginning.

And here comes one of pythons sneaky little advantages in.

With bin_num[0] you can get a letter from the string like it's an array (string, the array in disguise ;P).


first_bit = bool(bin_num[0])
binary_data = bin_num[1:]
final_num = int(binary_data,2)

will result in the variable first_bit, which is the first bit of the binary number as a boolean, and final_num, which the number as integer but without the first bit.

Hope I have been helpful!

here's how to do it in javascript

// javascript

convertTo = function(n, c){
    return (n.toString(c))

global.convertTo = convertTo;

main file

init = function()
  num = 0xD4
  bin_str = convertTo(num,2)
  print("bin_str: " + bin_str )

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