help please
I'm trying to make a game where you jump between lines and doge objects but the problem is I'm new to this. I'm using js and when I try to move my character nothing happens heres my code
var blockyX = -14
draw = function() {
screen.setLineWidth( 5 )
screen.drawLine(100, 500, 100, -100, "red");
screen.drawLine(0, 500, 0, -100, "red")
screen.drawLine(-100, 500, -100, -100, "red")
screen.drawSprite( "blocky", blockyX, -75, 300, )
var movement = function() {
if (keyIsPressed && keyCode === RIGHT) {
blockyX = 86
} else {
blockyX = -14
ps. how do take pictures of your code to put on here? I've seen it on other posts I just cant figure out how
To format code on the forums, enclose it in triple backticks (```).
print("hello world")
print("hello world")
First, I'd recommend using microscript instead of javascript, as it can act unreliable in the context of microstudio.
Here, it is been properly rewritten in microstudio, I also slightly modified it. Now, it instead creates a compact array called blockyX
, which contains X coordinates for where it has to go. blockyI
here is simple the index. When hitting A or D (or the left and right arrow), you'll decrease / increase the index, causing your character to move correspondingly. I also put in a simple detection to avoid going outside the list.
init = function()
blockyX = [-114, -14, 86]
blockyI = 1
movement = function()
if ( and blockyI < blockyX.length - 1) then
blockyI += 1
elsif ( and blockyI > 0) then
blockyI -= 1
update = function()
draw = function()
screen.drawLine(100, 500, 100, -100, "red")
screen.drawLine(0, 500, 0, -100, "red")
screen.drawLine(-100, 500, -100, -100, "red")
screen.drawSprite("icon", blockyX[blockyI], -75, 32)