Get current frame of a sprite
Hi everyone,
I'm struggling to get the current frame on a sprite. I noticed there was no getFrame() function like there is a setFrame(). ojbect.current_frame property always seems to report as 0. Any ideas?
Hi everyone,
I'm struggling to get the current frame on a sprite. I noticed there was no getFrame() function like there is a setFrame(). ojbect.current_frame property always seems to report as 0. Any ideas?
I'm afraid you will have to control when to draw each frame:
To get the current frame of a sprite, let's say your sprite name is "mySprite" and your sprite has 5 frames and you have a variable named "myVar" and you want a variable to go up by 1 everytime your sprite gets to its last frame:
if sprites.mySprite.current_frame == 5 then
myVar += 1
Hi @Crafterz125,
Have you checked if your solution actually works?
Here is the link to an old discussion on Discord:
Would be nice if it would work that way, but so far the 'current_frame' doesn't seem to show the current animation frame.
I am adding sprite.getFrame()
with the next update