
Enemy server spawn

I need help we have created a game with an option pf single player in this option it does not allow me to spawn an enemy I tried to do

scene.singleplayer = object. draw = function() screen.drawSprite(“enemy”, 50,80,20,30) end

Make a public project and provide the link.

I think I already invited you I will do it alien can you check and join pls

Except the invite pls

This project is so big that I can't understand it all.

  1. It's poorly translated, I think it was originally in Python (at least some parts of the code).

In many places the words "end" are missing. In many places the dots are missing between the name of the object and the name of the field or method of that object.

  1. If in the main file there is a function called "0_main >> init()" and in the file "obstacles >> touch_hole" there is also a function called "init()" then one of these functions will cover the other and one will be unavailable.

I commented out this function because it was breaking the code. Give it a different name.

I can't find the place in the code that you asked about in the first message, I corrected a few errors in the code.

Sorry this unpleases you but can you pls fix it to make it more pleasing also for enemy go to shop then you will see the enemy folder pls help us fix this problem

It is all in Java or microscript

Thank you

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