
Collaboration for MicroVerse 2 (Payed)

Hello everyone! As many of you already know, I am working on a new version of microVerse. It is currently called microVerse 2, but that is subject to change. Anyway, after realizing that I don't have the abilities (or the smarts) to do this alone, and after bugging the community with multiple questions, I have decided it would just be best to start collaborating. So, I am making a limited time offer for anyone with skills ranging from pixel design to online game making. I am asking those with any skill that they would think is useful for my game to help me work on it. I need: Graphic designers and animators, Game coders, Online coding wizards, and many more to make this game a reality. Of course, there is a payment. Anyone who helps will gain admin permissions in the game when it's done. So if you would like to help, just reply that you want to help (and please tell me what you'd do) and I will send you an invite to the project! Thanks. Please note once I get some applicants I'll begin posting wishlists and objectives for development. It's likely they will begin focusing around accounts, autosaving, sprite design, and user permissions, but they will grow from there! So don't be shy to apply. Thanks again. IMPORTANT: This will not be released on Discord.

Maybe post this on our discord too

@TinkerSmith, are you applying or just commenting?

At this stage commenting. I think there are more experienced ones out there for a task like this. Just curious how you intend to pay 🙃

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