Calling object with string
I'm getting a sprite name, using blockSet(currentMap.get(x,y)). In this case "short_grass". I have a object called short_grass that I've used to organize values is there any way to call that with a string?
Thank you for your time
Interesting question, curious to see the answer to this from the experts here.
I suspect you want to keep sprite related additional information together with the sprite in question.
In the past I did it the other way around, by adding that info to the sprite object itself instead of creating a separate one.
init = function()
icon = sprites."icon"
icon.xpos = 20
icon.ypos = 30
icon.size = 30
update = function()
draw = function()
But if we could use the string value to access that information it would save me some if..then
comparisons :)
Live Long and Tinker
P.S. I did it that way so that at the same time I also have access to the already existing sprite info.
width = 16
height = 16
name = "icon"
frames = [list]
animation_start = 0
fps = 5
ready = true
xpos = 20
ypos = 30
size = 30
setFrame = [native function]
getFrame = [native function]
Thanks, this helped me come up with a solution. I decided to put everything into another object and just used the keys
blockGenVal = object
"short_grass" = short_grass
"tall_grass" = tall_grass
"rocks" = rocks
"shrub" = shrub
"tree" = tree
"flowers" = flowers
"sand" = sand
"water" = water
I always forget that we can do that 😂
(... taking notes ...)
@SirRedaxe regarding your initial question, you can access global variables by name using global[name]
, as in the example below:
short_grass = object
current_tile = "short_grass"
tile_properties = global[current_tile]