
Offline version ( npm , windows )

Logs from trying to start npm server.

> microstudio@1.0.0 start
> npm run compile && node app.js

> microstudio@1.0.0 compile
> coffee -c --no-header -b ../.

v2\processor.coffee:50:17: error: unexpected identifier
        a = [...arguments]

Retrieved from github 2023.02.03. Extracts to an empty directory. I go to the server directory, compile the code and run it with the "npm start" command. OS - Windows 8.1 .

Yes currently this does not work ; workaround: skip npm start and run node app.js directly instead. The compiled JS files are already there.

This problem happens because I am slowly migrating the project from CoffeeScript 1.2 to CoffeeScript 2.0 ; I did not notice this problem before because I am not using npm start myself in my dev environment. This line is correct in CoffeeScript 2.0, not in 1.2.

Now that I am aware of this issue, I will make sure to speed up the migration to 2.0. I will also see if I can update the dev dependency to CoffeeScript 2.0 already, this may solve the issue.

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